

[A Dedication Practice]

Caraochefighissima+++ richiede una preprazione e tecnologie di supporto minime. Può attivarsi in qualsiasi contesto, pubblico o privato, laddove ci sia una comunità di persone radunate per un evento pianificato, o determinato da circostanze causali, come la coda in cassa o l’attesa al ristorante.

Caraochefighissima++ requires minimal preparation and supporting technologies. It can be activated in any context, public or private, where there is a community of people gathered for a planned event, or determined by causal circumstances, such as queuing at the cash desk or waiting in a restaurant.


Caraochefighissima practice is cared for by Lucia Gallone (MINA) and Sara Leghissa (Buttandetro) with the occasional partecipation of special guests/ Fabio Artese aka Citazionista, Francesco Michele Laterza aka Parcheggiami, Filippo Andreatta aka Groupie, Tomas Gonzalez & Marzia Dalfini & Yara Dowani for the special Italo Arabic Disco Music Karaoke (Ramallah). 

>> Support Om Sleiman Farm CSA in Palestine

Puke love

[Vomit As A Practice Of Personal Dissent]

Vomit is a simple and direct act.
Vomit is a daily code, readable by anyone.
As action, it can be done in many different situations, if we feel uncomfortable and disappointed for any reason and we want to remark it. It can be perceived as an urgency in any moment of our daily life. The act of vomiting helps to clarify the position that we have about a topic, in front of everyone’s eyes. It’s a peculiar, mimetic and not questionable way of protesting. Vomiting is a physiological right.
Choose your own ingredients, mix up it, bottle it, keep your vomit with you and when you feel it, use it.

Practice initiated by ZEBRA (temporary collective)  for AB-STRIKE, as a protest against EXPO urban redevelopment, Milano 2015

It’s ok to cry

[Little Daily Workout Practice]

1) Check today’s date.
> Imagine that today is the 17th of September

2) Find out which other more or less famous people were born today (a quick way is through the internet )
> On the 17th of September were born: Anastacia, Anne Brancoft, Sophie Xeon, Reinhold Messner

3) Choose an excerpt from youtube of one of the people born today that moves you or that in a certain way is connected to your personal experience
> SOPHIE — It's Okay To Cry

4) Take the plank position

5) Push play on the video and watch it, keeping the plank position for the entire duration of it

There is a secret between us 

[Conversation practice]

1) Buy some fake vampire teeths
2) Wear them
3) Keep them in your mouth 
4) Go to a place where there are other people
4) Start a conversation with a person, even a very short one

Practice initiated by Michele Rizzo during Nobodys Indiscipline/ Milano 2018

On Sale

[Business Practice]

NESSUNO t-shirt & NESSUNO Cappellinj !

ON SALE: email me or order through iDisegnini shop

Beauty Saloon & Co.

[A Transformative Practice]

Beauty Saloon is a practice that positions the participation of the body at its centre. It empowers the confort of being in conversation with others bodies and with your own, in terms of proximity, listening, transformation.

Il Beauty Saloon è una pratica che pone al centro la partecipazione del corpo. Potenzia l’incontro con alti corpi e con il proprio, in termini di prossimità, ascolto, trasformazione.

Beauty Saloon Masterpieces:

-Monobrow & Hairs tattoo> Cut your own hair.
Attach them between your brows or somewhere else on your body. Cut them to the length you want.

-Monociglio e Tatuaggi di peli> Tagliatevi un pò di capelli.
Attaccateli tra le sopracciglia o in un altro punto del corpo. Tagliateli alla lunghezza desiderata.

-Kill the Drone> Make a braid in front of your face.
Professional: Jennifer Carducci
(Practice ispired by the Hong Kong protests: The hair becomes a mask to get around the "mask ban")

-Kill the drone> Fai una treccia davanti al viso.
Professionista: Jennifer Carducci(Pratica ispirata alle proteste di Hong Kong: I capelli diventano una maschera per aggirare il "divieto di mascherarsi")

-For your eyes only: draw two eyes on your eyes
Professional: Jacopo Miliani
(Suggestion: Indiana Jones Love You Clip)

-Franca Coiffeur: ask for a cut to FRANCA during the night.


[Una cosa che sogno da sempre]

[For All Bodies Public Training Manifesto]

(UNA COSA CHE SOGNO DA SEMPRE) è una lecture-performance dedicata al tema dell’invisibilità dei corpi nello spazio pubblico, al senso di appartenenza a una comunità e alle esperienze di cura reciproca. L’azione si sviluppa attraverso l’affissione di manifesti che contengono parole o frasi con cui l’artista veicola la propria riflessione. Manifesto dopo manifesto il messaggio prende forma, attraverso uno strumento di comunicazione tipicamente riservato allo spazio pubblico. La lecture-performance di Sara Leghissa ha una dimensione politica e si basa sulla necessità di parlare di temi attuali, coinvolgendo il pubblico a partecipare attivamente all’azione.

(SOMETHING I HAVE ALWAYS DREAMED OF) is a lecture-performance dedicated to the theme of the invisibility of bodies in public space, the sense of belonging to a community, and experiences of caring for each other. The action is developed through the posting of posters that contain words or phrases with which the artist conveys her reflection. Poster after poster the message takes shape, through a communication tool typically reserved for public space. Sara Leghissa's lecture-performance has a political dimension and is based on the need to talk about current issues, involving the audience to actively participate in the action.



[A philosophy of life]

Beavers are busy, curious, cuddle. They can hold the Beaver BAR for several self-organised occasions and generate situations in a last-minute dynamic. They spread beaver vibrations, contaminate and create connections with other beavers, multiply themselves. Generosity and adventure are key to their practice. They want to live with abundance in a beaver world.

L3 Beavers sono indaffarat3, curios3, coccolon3. Possono tenere aperto il Beaver BAR in occasioni diverse auto-organizzate e generare situazioni in una dinamica last-minute. Diffondono vibrazioni beaver, contaminano e creano connessioni con altr3 beavers, si moltiplicano. La generosità e l'avventura sono la chiave della loro pratica. Vogliono vivere con abbondanza in un mondo di Beavers.

The Faggot Version

The Faggot Version is a rearrangement of an excerpt from Larry Mitchell's fantasy novel The Faggots & Their Friends Between Revolutions, in the form of a public manifesto. The novel is drawn from Mitchell's experience of queer community life in the 1970s, with particular emphasis on the themes of sexual liberation and anti-assimilation. The action of posting takes place in a repetition in the present tense, focusing on the visual and narrative potential of words. The performative action of posting takes place in a repetition in the present tense, focusing on the visual and narrative potential of words.

The Faggot Version è la riorganizzazione di un estratto del romanzo fantasy di Larry Mitchell “The Faggots & Their Friends Between Revolutions”, sotto forma di manifesto pubblico. Il romanzo è tratto dall'esperienza di Mitchell nella vita comunitaria queer degli anni Settanta, con particolare enfasi sui temi della liberazione sessuale e dell'anti-assimilazione. L'azione performativa di affissione avviene in una ripetizione al presente, mettendo al centro la potenzialità visiva e narrativa delle parole.