Will you marry me?

Will You Marry Me? 

[Public Lecture]

Concept Sara Leghissa text and dramaturgy in collaboration with Carlo Fusani, Tomas Gonzalez, Catalina Insignare illustrations, graphic layout Marzia Dalfini promotion Giulia Messia executive production Eleonora Cavallo, Martina Merico produced by Triennale Teatro dell'Arte- Milano, Far Festival- Nyon partners Short Theatre- Roma, Sareyett– Ramallah, Saal Biennal- Tallinn, Parallèle Festival- Marseille, within the frame of More Than This - Creative Europe

“I'm fascinated with the difference between supposedly private and supposedly public and I try to engage with the issue of what it means to live in a society that's seemingly shock-proof, yet still is compelled to exercise secrecy.”

Barbara Kruger


WILL YOU MARRY ME? è una conferenza pubblica temporanea, il cui contenuto esplora alcune pratiche illegali presenti nella nostra quotidianità, e il modo in cui le si incorpora o se ne fa esperienza sulla propria pelle. Il testo parte da esperienze personali e condivise, raccolte tra Prato, Ramallah, Marsiglia, Madrid e Nyon, ed evoca alcune strategie e pratiche di disobbedienza usate da attivist* in diverse zone del mondo, per aggirare la legge senza trasgredirla, nel momento in cui questa lede al diritto. Partendo dal presupposto che la legge sia un parametro fluido, che cambia a seconda del contesto, del periodo storico e dei privilegi di cui godiamo, essa definisce ciò che è considerato etico, lecito, in altre parole, giusto. Distribuisce il potere e la percezione del potere nella società, definendo, normalizzando, dividendo e controllando. Concentrandosi sulla relazione tra illegalità e spazio pubblico, la conferenza invita a domandarsi dove si posiziona il confine tra legale e non legale, visibile e invisibile.  Esplora come poter agire la disobbedienza sotto gli occhi di tutt*, per suggerire possibili forme di complicità e resistenza.


WILL YOU MARRY ME? is a site-specific and temporary public lecture. The content of the lecture explores some illegal practices present in our daily life and how we embody illegality itself. It comes from personal shared experiences collected between Prato, Ramallah, Marsiglia, Madrid and Nyon and it echoes some strategies and disobedient practices used by activists from all around the world as forms to circumvent the law without violating it, whenever this affects people’s rights. The lecture invites us to relate with the boundaries between what is legal and what is illegal. Considering the assumption that the law is a fluid parameter, which changes depending on where we are in the world, the historical period in which we live and the sort of privileges we enjoy, the law defines what is considered ethical, licit, in other words, what is right. It distributes power and the perception of power in society, defining, categorizing, dividing and controlling. The shape of the lecture itself investigates a specific portion of the spectrum of illegality, namely the relationship between illegal acts and public space. It explores how we can act disobedience before everyone’s eyes, suggesting possible forms of complicity and public resistance.

ph Michele Lapini

FOTO/ Michele Lapini per Cheap. Bologna_Settembre 2021
VIDEOLes Tombées de la Nuit Festival. Rennes_Ottobre 2020

-Will You Marry Me? Il video e la galleria della performance di Sara Leghissa a Bologna, organizzata da CHEAP e l’articolo di Simone Sbarbati per frizzifrizzi. Bologna_Settembre 2021 



Artist's Book

Book Tool from a project by Sara Leghissa in collaboration with Marzia Dalfini Design Marzia Dalfini Published by NERO Editions

The ultimate ambition of this book-tool is to “disappear on the street”. Its pages collect words and stories of people whose right to exist and be visible in public spaces was forced to confront the concepts of “legality” and “justice”.

ON SALE HERE / https://www.neroeditions.com



Concept by Sara Leghissa Text and dramaturgy in collaboration with Carlo Fusani, Tomas Gonzalez, Catalina Insignares Graphic layout Marzia Dalfini Video for the web lecture created by Sara Leghissa and LeleMarcojanni Edited by LeleMarcojanni

 This is another version of the lecture, adapting the content to the web space and trying to open questions considering the web itself as a public space, to shift the meaning of the text from an analogue condition to a digital one.

